Dr. John’s book list
I enjoy reading and listening to audio books. My goal is to finish 30 books each year, although I usually read more. In this article I am going to highlight some of my favorites. Ones that can help you through a difficult time, challenge your thinking, give you some diet inspiration, and help motivate. This list is not is any specific order - just the random order of my thinking!
1. Tools of Titans, by Tim Ferris. Short interviews with successful, motivating, high performing individuals. Lots of ideas and book recommendations.
2. Make Your Bed, by William H. McRaven. Simple, start each day with a simple task, making your bed, and you will have at least accomplished one thing which you will enjoy at the end of the day.
3. No Limits, by John Maxwell. I enjoy John Maxwell’s teachings. This book will help you improve what holding you back - that is you!
4. The Collapse of Parenting, by Lenord Sax M.D., PhD. Wow! I have a lot to work on! Great book about parenting and how we as parents can improve our parenting, discipline, and improve our family dynamics.
5. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Tiyosaki. Financial lessons. Just because you have a big degree does not mean you have financial knowledge. Advise from Mr. Tiyosaki’s two “dads” (one biological another a mentor) on financial life.
6. Devotion, by Adam Makos. Like the book description “An Epic Story of Heroism, Friendship, and Sacrifice.” I have enjoyed all his books.
7. Mans Search for Meaning, by Victor Frankl. A WWII concentration camp survivor. Helps put life into perspective. Be happy with nothing and you will be happy with everything.
8. Stillness is the Key, by Ryan Holiday. A great book communicating the importance of “stillness.” Slow down, think, take a walk, clear your mind, and then conquer that project.
9. Unstoppable, by Craig Ballantyne. Do not take no for an answer. You can do more than you think. Stop thinking of the problem and only focus on the solution.
10. The Paleo Solution, by Robb Wolf. The science behind and the knowledge to start “eating Paleo.” I read this 5 years ago, before paleo was “cool,” and incorporated a lot of this into my eating plan.