The B Vitamin you really need
Many people today are taking either a multi-vitamin or some kind of B vitamin, which are two of the most common supplements consumed on a daily basis. The “Vitamin B Complex” is sold in a variety of forms claiming to help boost energy, increase muscle tone, and fortify the nervous system, and so on. However, do not be fooled by vitamin labels that show a long list of synthetic B vitamins – they are most likely missing the important foods that are rich in the whole vitamin B complex. Our bodies were designed to assimilate real foods for growth and repair of organs and tissues... not synthetic chemicals. Therefore, vitamins are best derived from real food. Vitamins, unlike drugs, are living complexes and it is critical to get these in a form that includes all of the enzymes, co-enzymes, and minerals that make up a naturally occurring vitamin complex. The other benefit of deriving vitamins from real food and whole food supplements is that you always get more than what is on the label. Most labels list vitamins like B1 Thiamine, B2 Riboflavin or B3 Niacin, but what is missing are the foods that contain all these B vitamins and more. These synthetic ingredients are much cheaper and easier to produce in a laboratory rather than sourcing all the different foods that naturally contain these vitamins. However, our bodies were designed to utilize them in the natural form, so make sure you are selecting a high quality whole food supplement.
Cataplex® B is a vitamin complex that is in a base of organically grown whole foods which are rich in many B vitamins. Most people have heard of B1, B2 and B6, but there is also a lesser known B4 in the family of B vitamins. The Merck Manual, 10th edition, describes vitamin B4 as “widespread throughout plant and animal tissues.” Vitamin B4 promotes the efficient nerve conductivity of the heart and helps maintain the rhythm of the heart.
Unless you derive your B vitamins from whole food sources, vitamin B4 would not be included because it cannot be synthesized. Therefore, most off-the-shelf vitamins do not contain this important factor of the B vitamin complex. Whole B vitamin complexes are only found in foods such as nutritional yeast, liver, and wheat germ, which contain natural vitamin complexes that support many body systems including your heart muscle, your central nervous system, energy production, and more.
There are many Standard Process® products that contain these foods which are a rich source of B vitamins, such as Cataplex® B, Cataplex® G, Ligaplex® II, Catalyn®, Livaplex®, Drenamin®, Vasculin®, and Cardio-Plus®.
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*Please be advised that any suggested nutritional advice is not intended as any primary treatment or therapy for any disease or particular bodily symptom. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Nutritional counseling, vitamin recommendations, nutritional advice, and the adjunctive schedule of nutrition is provided solely to upgrade the quality of foods in the patient's diet in order to supply good nutrition supporting the physiological and bio- mechanical processes of the human body.