
We are under a little more stress these days.  The Corona virus and social distancing seem to be creating a lot of fear.  I have noticed not as many people are smiling or saying hello.  No handshakes, fist bumps, or hugs.  Stress can sure beat us down!  But, we can do things to help; to un-stress our system, to stay positive .

Gratitude journaling helps.  It allows me to be grateful for the little things.  Gratitude journaling helps mellow my stress, calms me down, and puts my attitude into perspective.  Journaling takes only a few minutes each day -  I prefer to do it in the mornings. 

Here is what my journal looked like today:

April 7, 2020.  Today I am grateful for:  smoked chicken dinner, our yard, evening campfires, a good nights sleep, JohnMarcus (my 3 year old) dressed as Captain America, goofing around, being outside, our military, and sunshine. 

Work on gratitude journaling this week.  Stay focused, positive, low stress, and think of all the people we can help.   

Here is a link to help you get started, a gratitude challenge:

Please let me know what you think and share your successes!  

-Dr. John

P.S. - feel free to share this - it may save someones day.  

John Paciorek D.C., CFMP.

Husband, father, chiropractor, zen searching, protein centered, ax swinging, health creator, one humbled by CrossFit.

Stillness. Meditation.


What, eat more fat?